Friday, April 5, 2013

Choosing a school for your child

Choosing a school for your child is a very difficult choice but a child can greatly benefit from a right choice. There are many different aspects to consider when deciding on a school for your child.
The school of your choice should be not too far from your home so you make sure your child gets proper sleep which is vital for children as it helps in concentrating during lessons and their brains will perform better.
The school of your choice must neither be a big school where teachers are less willing to take responsibilities, social interactions are more formal and less personalized, a good leadership and diverse curricula nor a small one where lower levels of learning and social discrimination based on knowledge of some children’s background are found, a middle size school would be the best to ensure a proper social interaction for your child.
Look for a school of a good academic, moral and social reputation. If you are looking for religious education then for sure you should look for private religious schools.
In general, your choice must render on the best learning center school that offers the best academic educational process.
You need to visit the school in order to have an idea about its policy and mission, its staff and its building. Meet the teachers and try to know what they aim to teach other than academics in their classes and their detention policy as you need to make sure that it doesn’t affect your child’s character and feelings. You have to make sure that the school offers a safe teaching environment, a wide range of learning styles and teaching methodologies, with progressive classes to prepare students for a better allocation and cares for keeping a continuous contact with parents.
Make sure that the school building is safe equipped with all safety techniques and a nurse, schools with walls printed with bright colors as this could be relaxing for the students, comfortable school furniture, clean rest rooms and a healthy and safe playground.
Parents need to pay attention to the importance of invigilating their children performance and keep a continuous contact with teachers as students will feel supervised and safe.

My Learning Experience

It had been a long time since I was a student at science classes, I can only remember some secondary science classes and for sure when I was at the university.
In grade twelve, my physics class was interesting as the teacher had related the physics studies to real life, he gave examples from real life every time he explained a lesson besides that most physics exercises where real life ones. The teacher had lots of information that he shared with us as students. He favored class discussions and listened to different opinions which made me feel safe to ask and get help.
This was in contrary to my physics class in grade 11, where I felt that physics is impossible for me to learn as the teacher had showed us that we can’t do it. During that year I no more had any will to study physics.
Biology is supposed to be an interesting subject as it deals with our bodies, and should make us enthusiasm to discover our bodies. But this was not the case in my biology class in grade 12 where the teacher used to talk all the time and we used to write, we never had time to think, analyze or discuss anything in class but we wrote what the teacher said. In order to pass or get a high grade in biology, a lot of effort was needed to be exerted at home the thing that made me feel that I can skip biology classes and I can still get the same grades or even better at that time.
The chemistry teacher in grade 12 appeared to exert a lot of effort to help us understand, he had a lot of check points before he moved on. The students were subject to any question at any time which kept us alerted.
During my school experience, in twelve years I have never worked in a group inside the class. In all classes I was supposed to stay quite, calm and to pay attention.
That was my experience in school or probably what I still remember. Concerning my university studies, I had experienced two universities, in the first one I was only obliged to attend lab sessions and I was free to miss theoretical ones, sessions that were no more than an instructor lecturing in a hall. This has caused me to develop the idea that I can do it alone and the instructor had no role. After I transferred to my second university where attendance was obligatory, I experienced variety of instructors with different techniques, successful ones where those where the instructor had me and others engaged in learning by assigning roles for us during the lesson and work we were responsible for, group work was introduced in such sessions.
I general, classes that were facilitated by instructors through guiding me to construct knowledge and those that were students centered were more effective and interesting to study.

My Philosophy of Education

I  believe that all children can learn but probably in different ways, students’ different learning preferences and multiple intelligences must be tackled in every single lesson. The teacher should provide a safe classroom environment where students are encouraged to take risks and discover learning in my classroom. Students are engaged in learning through rich, hands-on activities, small cooperative group experiences, as well as whole group instruction and discussions. A variety of Learning strategies and instructional methods should be used. Higher-order thinking skills should be used to help students build meaning and develop a deeper understanding of the subjects. Building personal relation ships with students is essential, as well it helps in maintaining good classroom management.
Facts are used as vehicles so students understand concepts. Students are given the support, the resources, and the materials they need to meet their personal goals. Appropriate motivation of students is essential in encouraging students and having them curious to learn.
As an educator, I truly believe a child must have the foundations (reading, writing, and math) before he or she can be successful in other areas of life.
Science is an interesting subject if related to real life, students’ curiosity should be directed so students struggle to learn more. The best learning is accomplished when students construct their knowledge.
As an educator, I strive to provide an environment that encourages my students to be all they can be and to set high goals for themselves.

Sunday, March 31, 2013

Teaching Science with Technology

Students today live with technology being a big part of their lives. Many students enter kindergarten with some experience with computers and the Internet. Current research indicates a correlation between use of technology for instruction and increased student achievement.

In the last 15 years, technology has exploded in education. With the addition of technology as an instructional tool, students and teachers have many more resources. Technology can be used in many ways in the classroom, from remediation to direct instruction. Students projects and researches are easier nowadays because of the presence of the advanced technology.

Educational technology tools such as computers, digital microscopes, and interactive white boards can help students actively engaged in the classroom activities and knowledge inquiry.

When educational technology tools are used appropriately and effectively in science classrooms, students actively engage in their knowledge construction and improve their thinking and problem solving skills (Trowbridge, Bybee, & Powel, 2008).

This is supported by the Chinese proverb: “I hear, I forget. I see, I remember”, students need to see in order to understand and this what is usually important in science as some processes taking place inside the humans body couldn’t be understood if not observed and at the same time are impossible to observe as  for example a functioning heart.

Teachers need to attend to the use of technology in teaching science for higher students’ achievement and to stay up to date.  Teachers not only need to know their content but also need to know how to present it effectively.

Schools as well should enrich its materials with various technology instruments as computers, videos, technical resources, microscopes……..