Friday, April 5, 2013

My Philosophy of Education

I  believe that all children can learn but probably in different ways, students’ different learning preferences and multiple intelligences must be tackled in every single lesson. The teacher should provide a safe classroom environment where students are encouraged to take risks and discover learning in my classroom. Students are engaged in learning through rich, hands-on activities, small cooperative group experiences, as well as whole group instruction and discussions. A variety of Learning strategies and instructional methods should be used. Higher-order thinking skills should be used to help students build meaning and develop a deeper understanding of the subjects. Building personal relation ships with students is essential, as well it helps in maintaining good classroom management.
Facts are used as vehicles so students understand concepts. Students are given the support, the resources, and the materials they need to meet their personal goals. Appropriate motivation of students is essential in encouraging students and having them curious to learn.
As an educator, I truly believe a child must have the foundations (reading, writing, and math) before he or she can be successful in other areas of life.
Science is an interesting subject if related to real life, students’ curiosity should be directed so students struggle to learn more. The best learning is accomplished when students construct their knowledge.
As an educator, I strive to provide an environment that encourages my students to be all they can be and to set high goals for themselves.


Unknown said...

Hello ziad
I like your philosophy about education, and I agree with you that a variety of Learning strategies and instructional methods should be used in a classroom.

Unknown said...

Hello ziad
I like your vision for education, and I agree with you that a variety of Learning strategies and instructional methods should be used

Unknown said...

A really interesting, direct to the point description.
You've tackled the major areas of proper teaching and learning practices teachers should beware of and apply.
I totally agree Ziad, and I believe if all teachers are willing to improve their practices and to abide by what you presented, learning would be much more motivating, inviting, and interesting.
In fact, students' attitudes, behavior, achievement, and development would undergo a complete change!
Thanks for sharing this Ziad.

Unknown said...

Actually, I appreciate your instructional methodology. If you really apply it, thus your students are lucky to have a teacher like you.Furthermore, the skillful teacher is the one who is aware of different student's abilities and try to match his learning targets in a way that fits them.