Friday, April 5, 2013

My Learning Experience

It had been a long time since I was a student at science classes, I can only remember some secondary science classes and for sure when I was at the university.
In grade twelve, my physics class was interesting as the teacher had related the physics studies to real life, he gave examples from real life every time he explained a lesson besides that most physics exercises where real life ones. The teacher had lots of information that he shared with us as students. He favored class discussions and listened to different opinions which made me feel safe to ask and get help.
This was in contrary to my physics class in grade 11, where I felt that physics is impossible for me to learn as the teacher had showed us that we can’t do it. During that year I no more had any will to study physics.
Biology is supposed to be an interesting subject as it deals with our bodies, and should make us enthusiasm to discover our bodies. But this was not the case in my biology class in grade 12 where the teacher used to talk all the time and we used to write, we never had time to think, analyze or discuss anything in class but we wrote what the teacher said. In order to pass or get a high grade in biology, a lot of effort was needed to be exerted at home the thing that made me feel that I can skip biology classes and I can still get the same grades or even better at that time.
The chemistry teacher in grade 12 appeared to exert a lot of effort to help us understand, he had a lot of check points before he moved on. The students were subject to any question at any time which kept us alerted.
During my school experience, in twelve years I have never worked in a group inside the class. In all classes I was supposed to stay quite, calm and to pay attention.
That was my experience in school or probably what I still remember. Concerning my university studies, I had experienced two universities, in the first one I was only obliged to attend lab sessions and I was free to miss theoretical ones, sessions that were no more than an instructor lecturing in a hall. This has caused me to develop the idea that I can do it alone and the instructor had no role. After I transferred to my second university where attendance was obligatory, I experienced variety of instructors with different techniques, successful ones where those where the instructor had me and others engaged in learning by assigning roles for us during the lesson and work we were responsible for, group work was introduced in such sessions.
I general, classes that were facilitated by instructors through guiding me to construct knowledge and those that were students centered were more effective and interesting to study.

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