Sunday, March 31, 2013

Teaching Science with Technology

Students today live with technology being a big part of their lives. Many students enter kindergarten with some experience with computers and the Internet. Current research indicates a correlation between use of technology for instruction and increased student achievement.

In the last 15 years, technology has exploded in education. With the addition of technology as an instructional tool, students and teachers have many more resources. Technology can be used in many ways in the classroom, from remediation to direct instruction. Students projects and researches are easier nowadays because of the presence of the advanced technology.

Educational technology tools such as computers, digital microscopes, and interactive white boards can help students actively engaged in the classroom activities and knowledge inquiry.

When educational technology tools are used appropriately and effectively in science classrooms, students actively engage in their knowledge construction and improve their thinking and problem solving skills (Trowbridge, Bybee, & Powel, 2008).

This is supported by the Chinese proverb: “I hear, I forget. I see, I remember”, students need to see in order to understand and this what is usually important in science as some processes taking place inside the humans body couldn’t be understood if not observed and at the same time are impossible to observe as  for example a functioning heart.

Teachers need to attend to the use of technology in teaching science for higher students’ achievement and to stay up to date.  Teachers not only need to know their content but also need to know how to present it effectively.

Schools as well should enrich its materials with various technology instruments as computers, videos, technical resources, microscopes……..

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