Sunday, March 17, 2013

Education and Society

Education is more than reading, writing, and mathematics. It is one of the most important investments a country can make in its people to reduce poverty and inequality. Education plays a vital role in the development of the society. Educated people help to maintain a civilized society. People in an educated society communicate with each other, understand each others’ problems and provide solutions. Education helps people to disagree in an agreeable way. Through education, a person or an individual residing in a society will be fully aware as to how he should and ought to lead his life according to the principals of morals and ethics.

The role of education is to improve the society by recognizing yourself and your role in society. Education holds hidden curriculums besides the academic ones. Schools teach moral and ethics. Durkheim (Moral Education 1962) believed that education was important in creating the moral unity necessary for social cohesion and harmony. For Durkheim, moral values were the foundation of society.

Education characterizes an individual with respect over the whole community as well it enriches one with knowledge and information that help to solve and overcome life problems. As well, education gives most people a sense of wisdom.

Education helps to spread health and social awareness, it helps fight the spread of HIV/AIDS and other diseases, helps improve health and helps people to differentiate good from evil as education enriches people with experience of others through stories.

Education leads to less criminals and a less violent society.

A healthy society develops when education plays its role properly.