Thursday, April 25, 2013

What Parents Expect From Schools

Parents demand much from schools other than academic teaching, parents view schools not only to teach science, math and other subjects but as institutions that serve in addressing morals, ethics and good behaviors to children. This role of schools will be efficient supported by parents at home. Parents’ perceptions might change with different schools and might be less demanding in public schools.

Parents’ perceptions on how schools affect children’s morals and behaviors differ between schools, private and religious schools are more described to teach morals and good habits even not through religion but through the very disciplined atmosphere they create. Teachers in the school who are a part of it affect how students acquire behaviors and morals ‘the behavior of the teacher probably influences the character of the learning climate more than any other single factor’ (Knowles, 2000) .

This moral role that schools play should be backed up and combined by the role of parents at home in order to assure a proper moral education of children “Teachers have to work in partnership on moral education with parents” (berkowitz, Marvin, & Grych, 2000, pp. 55-72), none of them should play a negative role.



zainab salloum said...

One comment is why we always look down at the public sector. In the whole world, the public sector is put in the first degree. So why in Lebanon we always try to put it in the last degree. We all have to work on changing this thought until it is eliminated.

Unknown said...

The school and home should work in correlation to implement the good morals in the students. In my opinion parents should put the kids in schools that fulfill their moral perspectives and the schools should in return help the parents in shaping the students believes and attitudes.

Unknown said...

The school and home should work in correlation to implement the good morals in the students. In my opinion parents should put the kids in schools that fulfill their moral perspectives and the schools should in return help the parents in shaping the students believes and attitudes.

Ziad Ferzli said...

because it is selected to be in the lowest, this is of course in exception of some public schools. the goverment is always trying to favor private schools, in my opinion, or else why does the goverment pay for some private schools that are given a license

Baraah El-Zein said...

Some parents expect everything from school, as if teachers are the only affecting agents in the students' life. They ignore the truth that media and peer pressure has been the main role player in praising our children. Parents have been overloaded with many things more than just taking care of their children who made them search for who play their main role...

Unknown said...

Good morals cannot be only acquired from the schools or only at home. but if there is a good coloration between both teachers and parents they can reach to build an effective and successful personality for their children

Unknown said...

I agree ziad, parents do demand from schools more than academics. As we all know, each school has its own hidden curricula that can be explicit through students’ behavior as well teachers’ activities. Based on that, parents recognize the school they want. You would hear parents saying I want my child to learn in a good academic school that teaches him/her religion too. Others might say religion can be taught at home or by his own experience but academics should be learned and experienced in a good school. So, according to the parents’ demands the school is chosen. However, parents should be convinced that schools are not the only facture that affects students. Schools, as you said, without the parental cooperation would not lead anywhere.

Unknown said...

I agree ziad, parents do demand from schools more than academics. As we all know, each school has its own hidden curricula that can be explicit through students’ behavior as well teachers’ activities. Based on that, parents recognize the school they want. You would hear parents saying I want my child to learn in a good academic school that teaches him/her religion too. Others might say religion can be taught at home or by his own experience but academics should be learned and experienced in a good school. So, according to the parents’ demands the school is chosen. However, parents should be convinced that schools are not the only facture that affects students. Schools, as you said, without the parental cooperation would not lead anywhere.