Sunday, April 28, 2013

Learning Styles

Information enters your brain in three main ways: sight, hearing and touch, which one you use the most is called your Learning Style.
Visual Learners learn by sight, prefer to see information such as pictures, diagrams, cartoons, demonstrations, learners benefit from using charts, maps, notes, and flash cards when studying. Such learners are easily distracted in lecture with no visual aids.

Auditory Learners learn by hearing, they prefer to hear information spoken, can absorb a lecture with little effort, and often avoid eye contact in order to concentrate.
Tactile Learners (kinesthetic) learn by touch, Prefer touch as their primary mode for taking in information, role-playing can help them learn and remember important ideas.
Knowing your learning style, both your strengths and your weaknesses, can help you study more effectively.


Unknown said...

Actually, i think that every style of these three learning styles has its importance and role in helping students learn and understand better. A teacher can use all of them to motivate students and improve their abilities to work and learn.

Unknown said...

Actually, i think that every style from these three learning styles has its importance and role in the educational process. A teacher can use all these styles to motivate students and help them work to improve their abilities.

Baraah El-Zein said...

I liked allot your presentation today and before thinking of my students i was thinking of my self as a learner. Knowing your own learning style would be so helpful for you to be more efficient using your time in effective learning.

Unknown said...

Its important to know such ideas to be able to communicate with our students better, since when we know how each student understand based on which style, we will be able to based our lessons according to students need. Teaching style, or method will never be effective if they didn't fit our students need.

Sahar Taha said...

I already have known these styles before but, they were not clear to me, now I can deal better with students of different styles of learning and accept their actions and interpret them better.We really need to understand the styles of learning of our students to have effective teaching

Unknown said...

Actually, it is very beneficial for every teacher to know and address the learning style of each and every student in his/her class. The teacher should incorporate activities that embrace the different learning styles in his/her class, in a way that every student is taken into consideration, and thus, will be able to process knowledge, understand, and participate. This is not exclusive for teachers, but also, students should be aware of their learning styles so that when they are assigned to work independently they will be able to know what best fits them to learn. The ultimate goal of teachers is to prepare independent students; therefore, addressing and embracing different learning styles is absolutely a must for every effective teacher that is looking forwards scaffolding and preparing meta-cognitive and independent active students that will be able to function properly in their real life.

Unknown said...

Teachers should also pay attention to their own learning styles to Know how to teach. And they can solve a lot of problems with their students especially if their learning styles differ from the majority of students' learning styles.

Unknown said...

Interesting post, the teacher should take into consideration the different learning styles while she is explaining, so she can reach the highest number of students.